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GSv.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Movies comics comic books comic strips think different black
Think Different (V)
8 Feb 2007
JHitIsNotSound.jpg Apple - TD Portraits black itunes dark metal
It Is Not Sound
4 Jul 2006
NJolsens.jpg Apple - TD Portraits actor actress celebrity celebrities fame famous women woman female girls
The Olsens
22 Apr 2003
CMwierdAl.jpg Apple - TD Portraits think different musicians singers males men man boys beefcake
Weird Al Yankovic
8 May 2002
CJcrazyones.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous think different
The Crazy Ones
3 May 2002
SpockGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple kids children
Dr. Benjamin Spock
8 Dec 1999

2560x1600 (102k)
2048x1280 (70k)
1920x1200 (63k)
1680x1050 (51k)
1600x1200 (59k)
1600x1024 (49k)
1440x900 (40k)
1280x1024 (46k)
1280x854 (38k)
1152x870 (38k)
1152x768 (32k)
1024x768 (31k)
832x624 (24k)
800x600 (23k)
640x480 (17k)

2560x1600 (315k)
2048x1280 (210k)
1920x1200 (202k)
1680x1050 (165k)
1600x1200 (187k)
1600x1024 (158k)
1440x900 (135k)
1280x1024 (157k)
1280x854 (134k)
1152x870 (129k)
1152x768 (113k)
1024x768 (108k)
832x624 (80k)
800x600 (76k)
640x480 (55k)

1920x1200 (349k)
1600x1200 (325k)
1600x1024 (305k)
1440x900 (211k)
1280x1024 (233k)
1280x854 (215k)
1152x870 (183k)
1152x768 (175k)
1024x768 (148k)
832x624 (110k)
800x600 (105k)
640x480 (77k)

1600x1200 (226k)
1600x1024 (198k)
1280x1024 (203k)
1152x870 (169k)
1152x768 (153k)
1024x768 (143k)
832x624 (123k)
800x600 (113k)
640x480 (86k)
480x832 (127k)
640x1024 (154k)

1600x1200 (227k)
1600x1024 (209k)
1280x1024 (205k)
1152x870 (181k)
1152x768 (165k)
1024x768 (152k)
832x624 (125k)
800x600 (114k)
640x480 (92k)

1600x1200 (111k)
1280x1024 (125k)
1152x870 (83k)
1024x768 (81k)
832x624 (55k)
800x600 (54k)
640x480 (52k)
480x832 (50k)
640x1024 (57k)

Composition 2006 Garrett Schneider

©2006 James Higgins

©2002 Nitehawk Jarrett

Composition 2001 Cody Michel

Composition 2001 Christopher Johnson

Composition 1999 George Sirokie
Composition by MacDesktops. Portrait ©The estate of Dr. Benjamin Spock
JPCompute.jpg Apple - TD Portraits sci-fi science fiction rainbow logo think different lost in space
Compute different.
17 Nov 1999
WatsonGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple science scientist physics physicists
Dr. Watson, co-discoverer of DNA.
28 Jul 1999
TDRainbow.jpg Logos, Apple Apple - TD Portraits rainbow logo
Think Different Apple
5 May 1999
AynRandGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits apple
Ayn Rand
31 Mar 1999
Feynman2Gradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits science scientist physics physicists
Richard Feynman
31 Mar 1999
ChavezGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
César Chávez
10 Mar 1999

1600x1200 (70k)
1280x1024 (60k)
1152x870 (49k)
1024x768 (41k)
832x624 (31k)
800x600 (29k)
640x480 (21k)
480x832 (47k)
640x1024 (62k)

1600x1200 (79k)
1280x1024 (82k)
1152x870 (76k)
1024x768 (73k)
832x624 (53k)
800x600 (53k)
640x480 (48k)
480x832 (47k)
640x1024 (55k)

1280x1024 (85k)
1152x870 (72k)
1024x768 (61k)
832x624 (47k)
640x480 (33k)
480x832 (45k)
640x1024 (66k)

1600x1200 (94k)
1280x1024 (100k)
1152x870 (94k)
1024x768 (90k)
832x624 (61k)
800x600 (61k)
640x480 (53k)
480x832 (51k)
640x1024 (64k)

1600x1200 (62k)
1280x1024 (62k)
1152x870 (55k)
1024x768 (53k)
832x624 (48k)
800x600 (48k)
640x480 (45k)
480x832 (43k)
640x1024 (50k)

1600x1200 (69k)
1280x1024 (68k)
1152x870 (62k)
1024x768 (59k)
832x624 (53k)
800x600 (53k)
640x480 (51k)
480x832 (50k)
640x1024 (56k)

©1999 J-eNGINE Photography

Composition 1999 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Dr. Watson

©1999 Eric Mayes

Composition 1999 Lenn Hann
Composition by MacDesktops. Portrait ©The estate of Ayn Rand

Composition 1999 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Richard Feynman

Composition 1999 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of César Chávez
SinatraGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Movies Music actor actress celebrity celebrities fame famous
Frank Sinatra
3 Mar 1999
FeynmanGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits science scientist physics physicists
Richard Feynman
2 Dec 1998
HendrixGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Music celebrity celebrities fame famous rainbow logo think different males men man boys beefcake
Jimi Hendrix
16 Nov 1998
Picasso2Gradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits artist photographer
Pablo Picasso
16 Nov 1998
BernbachGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits artist photographer
William Bernbach
3 Nov 1998
RandGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits artist photographer
Paul Rand
28 Sep 1998

1600x1200 (62k)
1280x1024 (62k)
1152x870 (55k)
1024x768 (52k)
832x624 (47k)
800x600 (47k)
640x480 (45k)
480x832 (44k)
640x1024 (49k)

1600x1200 (62k)
1280x1024 (56k)
1152x870 (49k)
1024x768 (47k)
832x624 (42k)
800x600 (46k)
640x480 (39k)
480x832 (38k)
640x1024 (44k)

1600x1200 (61k)
1280x1024 (55k)
1152x870 (49k)
1024x768 (46k)
832x624 (41k)
800x600 (46k)
640x480 (38k)
480x832 (37k)
640x1024 (43k)

1600x1200 (61k)
1280x1024 (55k)
1152x870 (48k)
1024x768 (46k)
832x624 (41k)
800x600 (46k)
640x480 (39k)
480x832 (37k)
640x1024 (43k)

1600x1200 (65k)
1280x1024 (77k)
1152x870 (66k)
1024x768 (60k)
832x624 (45k)
800x600 (50k)
640x480 (43k)
480x832 (41k)
640x1024 (57k)

1600x1200 (69k)
1280x1024 (62k)
1152x870 (58k)
1024x768 (53k)
832x624 (49k)
800x600 (54k)
640x480 (45k)
480x832 (48k)
640x1024 (52k)

Composition 1999 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Frank Sinatra Buy Sinatra songs @ iTMS

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Richard Feynman

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Jimi Hendrix Buy Hendrix songs @ iTMS

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Pablo Picasso

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of William Bernbach

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Paul Rand
GrahamGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous
Martha Graham
21 Sep 1998
TurnerGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous Television
Ted Turner
21 Sep 1998
PicassoGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits artist photographer
Pablo Picasso
14 Sep 1998
BransonGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits
Richard Branson
14 Sep 1998
LennonOnoGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Music rainbow logo think different women woman female girls males men man boys beefcake
John and Yoko
31 Aug 1998
DavisGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Music celebrity celebrities fame famous males men man boys beefcake
Miles Davis
31 Aug 1998

1600x1200 (56k)
1280x1024 (50k)
1152x870 (43k)
1024x768 (41k)
832x624 (36k)
800x600 (41k)
640x480 (33k)
480x832 (34k)
640x1024 (38k)

1600x1200 (68k)
1280x1024 (63k)
1152x870 (57k)
1024x768 (54k)
832x624 (48k)
800x600 (53k)
640x480 (46k)
480x832 (45k)
640x1024 (50k)

1600x1200 (56k)
1280x1024 (49k)
1152x870 (43k)
1024x768 (40k)
832x624 (35k)
800x600 (40k)
640x480 (33k)
480x832 (32k)
640x1024 (37k)

1600x1200 (77k)
1280x1024 (72k)
1152x870 (67k)
1024x768 (62k)
832x624 (57k)
800x600 (62k)
640x480 (56k)
480x832 (55k)
640x1024 (61k)

1600x1200 (63k)
1280x1024 (58k)
1152x870 (52k)
1024x768 (49k)
832x624 (44k)
800x600 (49k)
640x480 (41k)
480x832 (41k)
640x1024 (45k)

1600x1200 (59k)
1280x1024 (53k)
1152x870 (46k)
1024x768 (43k)
832x624 (38k)
800x600 (43k)
640x480 (36k)
480x832 (35k)
640x1024 (40k)

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Martha Graham

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Ted Turner

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Pablo Picasso

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Richard Branson

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Yoko Ono Buy Beatles songs @ iTMS

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Miles Davis Buy Miles Davis songs @ iTMS
DylanGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Music print advertisement apple
Bob Dylan
24 Aug 1998
BaezGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Music celebrity celebrities fame famous rainbow logo think different women woman female girls
Joan Baez
24 Aug 1998
DalaiGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
Dalai Lama
17 Aug 1998
DesiLuGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits actor actress apple celebrity celebrities fame famous
Lucy and Desi
17 Aug 1998
AliGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Sports celebrity celebrities fame famous
Muhammad Ali
10 Aug 1998
Ali2Gradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Sports celebrity celebrities fame famous
Muhammad Ali
10 Aug 1998

1600x1200 (67k)
1280x1024 (62k)
1152x870 (55k)
1024x768 (52k)
832x624 (47k)
800x600 (52k)
640x480 (45k)
480x832 (44k)
640x1024 (49k)

1600x1200 (60k)
1280x1024 (53k)
1152x870 (47k)
1024x768 (44k)
832x624 (39k)
800x600 (44k)
640x480 (36k)
480x832 (36k)
640x1024 (41k)

1600x1200 (67k)
1280x1024 (60k)
1152x870 (55k)
1024x768 (52k)
832x624 (43k)
800x600 (48k)
640x480 (44k)
480x832 (45k)
640x1024 (50k)

1600x1200 (60k)
1280x1024 (54k)
1152x870 (48k)
1024x768 (45k)
832x624 (41k)
800x600 (46k)
640x480 (38k)
480x832 (38k)
640x1024 (42k)

1600x1200 (64k)
1280x1024 (59k)
1152x870 (52k)
1024x768 (50k)
832x624 (45k)
800x600 (50k)
640x480 (42k)
480x832 (42k)
640x1024 (46k)

1600x1200 (63k)
1280x1024 (57k)
1152x870 (51k)
1024x768 (49k)
832x624 (44k)
800x600 (49k)
640x480 (40k)
480x832 (41k)
640x1024 (45k)

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Bob Dylan Buy Dylan songs @ iTMS

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Joan Baez Buy Joan Baez songs @ iTMS

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Dalai Lama

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Desilu Studios

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Muhammad Ali

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Muhammad Ali
AldrinGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple celebrity celebrities fame famous
Buzz Aldrin
3 Aug 1998
CallasGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous think different women woman female girls
Maria Callas
3 Aug 1998
AdamsGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
Ansel Adams
27 Jul 1998
HensonGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous rainbow logo think different
Jim Henson
27 Jul 1998
EdisonGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits science scientist physics physicists
Thomas Edison
20 Jul 1998
GandhiGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous males men man boys beefcake
Mahatma Gandhi
13 Jul 1998

1600x1200 (69k)
1280x1024 (64k)
1152x870 (57k)
1024x768 (54k)
832x624 (49k)
800x600 (54k)
640x480 (47k)
480x832 (46k)
640x1024 (51k)

1600x1200 (58k)
1280x1024 (50k)
1152x870 (45k)
1024x768 (41k)
832x624 (37k)
800x600 (42k)
640x480 (34k)
480x832 (35k)
640x1024 (39k)

1600x1200 (72k)
1280x1024 (66k)
1152x870 (60k)
1024x768 (57k)
832x624 (52k)
800x600 (57k)
640x480 (49k)
480x832 (49k)
640x1024 (54k)

1600x1200 (64k)
1280x1024 (58k)
1152x870 (52k)
1024x768 (49k)
832x624 (44k)
800x600 (49k)
640x480 (41k)
480x832 (41k)
640x1024 (46k)

1600x1200 (62k)
1280x1024 (56k)
1152x870 (49k)
1024x768 (47k)
832x624 (42k)
800x600 (47k)
640x480 (40k)
480x832 (39k)
640x1024 (44k)

1600x1200 (66k)
1280x1024 (60k)
1152x870 (55k)
1024x768 (51k)
832x624 (47k)
800x600 (50k)
640x480 (43k)
480x832 (43k)
640x1024 (47k)

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©Buzz Aldrin and NASA

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Maria Callas

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Ansel Adams

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Jim Henson

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Thomas Edison

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Mohandas Gandhi
AlienGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits Movies apple
28 Jun 1998
EinsteinGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
Albert Einstein
10 Apr 1998
HitchcockGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
Alfred Hitchcock
10 Apr 1998
EarhartGradient.jpg Apple - TD Portraits print advertisement apple
Amelia Earhart
10 Apr 1998
DifferentComp.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous
Think Different
10 Apr 1998
Different2Comp.jpg Apple - TD Portraits celebrity celebrities fame famous
Think Different
10 Apr 1998

1280x1024 (96k)
1152x870 (85k)
1024x768 (78k)
832x624 (70k)
640x480 (49k)
480x832 (43k)
640x1024 (60k)

1600x1200 (56k)
1280x1024 (120k)
1152x870 (109k)
1024x768 (102k)
832x624 (90k)
800x600 (39k)
640x480 (32k)
480x832 (32k)
640x1024 (36k)

1600x1200 (61k)
1280x1024 (136k)
1152x870 (123k)
1024x768 (114k)
832x624 (100k)
800x600 (46k)
640x480 (38k)
480x832 (38k)
640x1024 (43k)

1600x1200 (55k)
1280x1024 (121k)
1152x870 (106k)
1024x768 (99k)
832x624 (85k)
800x600 (39k)
640x480 (32k)
480x832 (32k)
640x1024 (36k)

1280x1024 (236k)

1280x1024 (232k)

Composition 1998 Guin Orvis
Composition by MacDesktops. Buy The Alien Legacy on DVD.

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Albert Einstein

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Alfred Hitchcock

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Portrait ©The estate of Amelia Earhart

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Copyrights on individual portraits held by the subject or his/her estate.

Composition 1998 MacDesktops
Copyrights on individual portraits held by the subject or his/her estate.

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